Babies Can Develop High Ability Through Repetition

Knowledge and Repetition Develop High Ability

Your baby can develop high ability through repetition. Dr. Shinichi Suzuki believed that abilities are developed, not inborn, and that parents and teachers must search for the best way to give children knowledge and how to develop their abilities.

“Ability equals knowledge plus 10,000 times.”

Dr. Shinichi Suzuki

Ability Develops Early

One of the Beliefs of Suzuki Early Childhood Education is “Ability Develops Early“. Dr. Suzuki intuitively understood through his idea of the Mother-Tongue Method of Education that children begin learning at birth. Science has proven him correct.

There is no telling to what heights children can attain if we educate them properly right after birth.”

Dr. Shinichi Suzuki

Your baby’s brain develops more and faster between the ages of 0 and 5 years old than any other time in life. That early brain development affects how your child learns and succeeds later on in life.

Also, early experiences, whether they are positive or negative, greatly affect how their brain develops. Dr. Suzuki had some choice words about a child’s early experiences.

On the negative side he said,

“Parents who say, ‘This child has no ability‘, harm the development of so many children with this horribly mistaken idea.”

Dr. Shinichi Suzuki

However, on the positive side he said,

“With patience and repetition, the seed (your baby) blossoms.”

Dr. Shinichi Suzuki

Think about it:

How will you help your baby to grow and develop high ability?

Brain Growth Through Repetition

Here are the numbers on how your baby’s brain grows.

  • At birth, your baby’s brain is about 25% the size of an adult brain
  • Your 1-year old’s brain will double to 50% the size of an adult brain
  • At age 3, your child’s brain will grow to 80% of an adult size brain
  • By age 5 your child’s brain will be 90% of an adult size brain

That last percentage shows that your baby’s brain is nearly full size by the time they are five years old! That alone tells you that, as a parent, you need to think in terms of educating your baby from Day 1.

Your newborn baby has all the brain cells (neurons) they will ever have. At least 1 million NEW neural connections (synapses) are made EVERY SECOND between the ages of 0 and 5 years old. These brain connections help each of us to move, think, communicate, and do just about everything.

Picture of a just delivered newborn baby held by a gloved hand on a dark blue background with the caption "This newborn's brain is already building on itself to develop high ability  and this baby is learning even now!
This newborn’s brain is 25% the size of an adult brain and in one year it will double to 50%.

Different parts of the brain do different things to develop abilities and develop at different rates. The brain builds on itself and connections link with each other to create more complex abilities.

Your baby is developing high ability through all of the repetitions of activities that help the brain grow.

Repetition Creates Relationships

From birth, these brain connections are developed through your baby’s daily experiences with you. Your baby needs a strong, loving relationship with you and your family. You need to be dependable and responsive to their invitations to interact with them. When you do this repeatedly, you are actually building your baby’s brain.

Pictures of African American father talking to his baby daughter, a Caucasian mother singing to her baby girl,  and  a Caucasian mother and father reading to their baby. The caption is Talk, sing, and read to your baby everyday to develop high ability through repetition.
Ability develops with consistent repetition.

That’s the reason you must talk, sing, and read to your baby EVERYDAY from the moment of their birth. When you play with them, they are able to explore the world around them in the safe environment you provide. Your baby will begin to develop high ability through repetition of their interactions with you.

Ways to Help Your Baby Develop High Ability Through Repetition

Suzuki Early Childhood Education Baby Class program provides opportunities for you and your baby to experience musical activities that will help your baby to develop high ability.

Baby Class activities such as repeating the nursery rhyme Humpty Dumpty develops the ability to hit the lollipop drum with the mallet on the word “fall“. Every child gets a turn in this activity and also the other babies and parents taking a turn, as well.

 Dark blue graphic of a girl playing the triangle and a dark blue graphic of a Lollipop Drum and mallet with two, dark blue musical notes on a pink background demonstrate two activities in the Baby Class that provide opportunities for repetition and developing high ability.
The triangle and lollipop drum activities in Baby Class provide opportunities for many repetitions to develop high ability.

Another Baby Class activity based on repetition is the nursery rhyme, Hickory Dickory Dock. It is a similar activity to Humpty Dumpty. But this time, every child has the chance to strike the triangle on the word “one“. Again, every child gets a turn and observes the others in the class taking a turn also.

Bow Wow Wow is a favorite repetition activity in Baby Class. Parents and babies sit in a circle and pass around a small stuffed dog. As each child or parent of an infant gets the animal, they insert their name into the song, i.e., “I am Freddy’s dog, bow wow wow.” Everyone gets and turn and observes the rest of the class taking turns, too.

Knowledge, Relationships, and Repetition Develop High Ability Early

I will leave you with some quotes from Dr. Suzuki that sum up simply what science takes a long time to say:

“Any skill can be acquired by constant repetition.”

“Develop excellence through repetition.”

“We parents should strive to deeply instill a beautiful, sensitive heart and splendid ability in children, believing that every child can develop into an adult who has these basic characteristics.”

Dr. Shinichi Suzuki

On the “Beautiful Heart Musical Journey” with you,


Will you begin to talk more to your baby this week? Maybe you can sing one of your favorite songs for your baby and you. It is soothing for both of you. Get out you little one’s favorite book and read it over and over. Really! I mean it.

Share in the comments how you plan to develop high ability in your baby.

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Susan Stephenson is a violinist and director of the Suzuki Music School of Greater Toledo. The school programs include Suzuki Method violin lessons and Suzuki Early Childhood Education Baby Classes. Her blog "Your Musical Baby" helps parents and their babies learn life skills through music.

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