Finding Beauty in Music, Children, and Learning Everyday

Finding Beauty in Children

Finding beauty in music and learning something new daily can be driving forces in your life and the life of your baby. So, let that beauty in!

Looking for the beauty in your child and teaching them to find beauty in life is one of many goals parents have, as well.

Mother kissing her baby on the cheek and finding beauty in her child.
Sweet kisses for a beautiful baby.

Where love is deep, much can be accomplished.

Shinichi Suzuki (1898-1998) Where Love Is Deep

The idea for Your Musical Baby and Beautiful Heart Musical Journey came about because of my love for music and teaching and teaching ideas of Dr. Shinichi Suzuki.

Most importantly, the goal for Your Musical Baby is to help you and your baby learn to love music and use it to nurture beautiful hearts and learn life skills together.

Also, I want to encourage you to find beauty in music, your children, and in learning something new daily, especially something new about your child and yourself!

Father holding newborn baby nose-to-nose and finding beauty in the child's face.
Close encounter of the best kind.

There are so many musical ideas to share with you. However, like all of you, the current pandemic has turned my world upside down.

But, I have decided that I will continue to look for the beauty in music and in the children and their parents in my studio.

Finding Beauty in Music

In the current pandemic situation, finding beauty in music can bring some much needed calm to your family life.

Whether Mozart and Brahms or John Legend and Sara Bareilles are on your playlist, the results will be the same. The patterns of the melody, harmony, instruments (voice included) can relief the stress in your body and your baby’s body.

A woman wearing headphones  listening to music and writing in a book.
Just for a little while, listening to music can uplift you and give you beauty.

Finding Beauty in Reading

Because there is beauty to be found in reading, I would encourage you to choose a book you have wanted to read. If you read only two or three pages, it will take you to a different place for just a few minutes.

The benefits of you reading aren’t just for you. Your baby will see you reading. Consequently, he/she will be more interested in you reading to them and reading by themselves later.

You Want Me to Keep a What?! A Schedule?!

I know… Babies don’t help your schedule any. But, strange as this may seem, there is a kind of beauty to keeping a schedule.

Right now, I am determined to keep up my violin practice routine going in preparation for a recital that may be delayed, but will go on! It truly is only for a few minutes a day, but it keeps me on track.

Think about a particular goal you have and how you can plan to work that into your schedule. Again, it may only be a few minutes. But slow and steady will get you there!

I have been forced to work out a new schedule to teach violin lessons online for the near future. Teaching my Suzuki Early Childhood Education (SECE) Baby Class online has not been optimal, but it has been workable.

Baby Class is an interactive musical experience for babies (0-3 yr) and their parents. Some changes had to be made in the class set up due to being online.

But, even though we couldn’t hold hands for circle songs and the like, I still could find the beauty in the babies’ and parents’ smiling faces. We will talk more about online Baby Class in future posts.

We all are learning to think differently about how to do the everyday things that we take for granted. You routine is going to look different for awhile, too.

So I have some ideas to share with you about how to begin your “Beautiful Heart Musical Journey” and what that might look like in your new routine.

Finding Beauty in a Plan

Person using a stylus on an iPad to create a plan to find beauty in listening to music, singing, and reading everyday with their baby
We have all had to revise our schedules.

First, make plans and keep a schedule. It will just look different than it used to. It is very tempting to let your schedule go out the window because of aggravation, fear, etc. Consider writing down your schedule to keep you focused on activities. Plan to include music time in your schedule.

“Music is a language of the heart without words”

Shinichi Suzuki

Second, play music for your baby and yourself. In a future post, we will talk about types of music to play for your baby. But for now, it can be anything with a reasonably gentle tune and not too loud and crazy.

We are thinking about calming ourselves. The dance parties can be saved for later!

“With patience and repetition, the seeds grow.”

Shinichi Suzuki

Third, read, read, read to your baby. If you run out of books to read, remember this: your baby just likes hearing your voice and being with you. They don’t get tired of hearing the same story over and over. While you’re at it, make a book list for yourself. For just a short time, you can let the story take you away from all the concern.

Finding Beauty in Being a Parent

Parents holding and looking at their baby. They may wonder what the future holds, but they want to find beauty for their child.
We wonder what the future holds for this little one.

Remain calm and parent on! Realize that you will be anxious that life isn’t going to work the way it used to. Your little ones are affected even more than usual by your attitude and how you handle the extra stress of daily life now. Give yourself some grace to focus on your baby and your family. Snuggle, hug, and kiss those babies while finding beauty in listening to music and reading stories.

Find beauty in your world. It is up to us as parents to find the beautiful things that are in our lives for our children. So play the music, read the stories, sing, dance, and laugh with your babies!

Finally, come back and join me here at “Your Musical Baby” to learn more about finding beauty and learning life skills through music with your baby. Don’t wait! Come with me and begin your “Beautiful Heart Musical Journey” now.

I’m on the “Beautiful Heart Musical Journey” with you,


Coming Soon!

As the pandemic progresses, it has become apparent that I will not be teaching Baby Class in person any time soon. I won’t get to meet and interact with my current students and new students and their parents. However, I have decided to not let all the chaos stop me from finding beauty.

Baby Class sessions will be scheduled online with Zoom for the foreseeable future. It will just mean making some adjustments to some of the activities. The nature of the technology will not always be perfect, but together we can make it work.

You can begin your “Beautiful Heart Musical Journey” soon. The Suzuki Music School of Greater Toledo will be offering Suzuki Early Childhood Education (SECE) Baby class for children ages 0-3 years old and their parents or caregivers in the near future.

See our Resources page to find out more information or to find links to locate a program in your area.

In The Future Together

The Suzuki Early Childhood Education Philosophy can make a huge impact on your family. Therefore, in future posts:

  • We will continue to find beauty in music and your children
  • SECE Beliefs and Concepts will be discussed
  • I will give you simple, budget-friendly ideas about items you will want to start making music with your family. (Most of these items you probably already have around your home!)
  • I will help you with a plan to make your musical activities part of your daily routine with your family

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In the Comments below, share how how you have been dealing with the changes in your schedule and trying to find beauty. Has it been through music or reading?

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Susan Stephenson is a violinist and director of the Suzuki Music School of Greater Toledo. The school programs include Suzuki Method violin lessons and Suzuki Early Childhood Education Baby Classes. Her blog "Your Musical Baby" helps parents and their babies learn life skills through music.

One thought on “Finding Beauty in Music, Children, and Learning Everyday

  1. I love the new site! Thank you for addressing the obvious need right now in the midst of a global pandemic. Making a daily schedule and the emphasis on doing a great deal of reading are such great ideas for every family.

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