Hopes and Dreams for Your Baby

Where love is deep, much can be accomplished

Where Love Is Deep by Shinichi Suzuki

Character and Ability

Even in times of uncertainty, we still need to think in terms of the future and especially the future of our children. We must concentrate on raising them to be fine human beings no matter the circumstances. Here at “Your Musical Baby”, we can learn how to do that together.

It’s a fact! Your baby has the potential to develop into a fine human being with a beautiful heart and learn life skills through music. Suzuki Early Childhood Education (SECE) is your opportunity to introduce the beauty of music into the life of your child and family. Dr. Shinichi Suzuki (founder of the Suzuki Method of Musical Instruction) based his method on these two ideas:

1.”Character First, Ability Second”

Suzuki believed that it was more important to be a fine person before being a fine musician.

2. “Beautiful tone. Beautiful heart”

According to Suzuki, learning to play music develops “sensitivity, discipline, and endurance. You get a ‘beautiful heart’.”

The SECE Baby Class activities will help your baby to begin developing fine character traits and musical abilities. These skills and abilities are not just for your baby, but also for you as a parent.

All parents have hopes and dreams for their children. It’s probably safe to say that parents have a universal desire for their children to have beautiful hearts and to do good things with their lives. You can’t help but have ideas about the kind of people your children will become.

I used to dream about what kind of people my son and daughter would grow up to be. I definitely wanted them to be kind to and respectful of others. Because I am a musician, I had high hopes that they would play an instrument.

They both played violin for a few years, but their interests took them on other paths. However, I believe that the SECE program helped them to enjoy all kinds of music and to think about always looking for the beauty in their lives.

Maybe you are an expectant parent or you’ve waited months, prepared the nursery, and you baby is finally here. You really are a parent now and, most likely, feeling overwhelmed. Or maybe you are past the 2 am feedings and the schedule is slightly more regular. Or you may be busy chasing your extremely active toddler around the house!

With all the responsibilities of parenting, introducing the beauty of music into the life of your child and family might not immediately be at the top of you “to do” list. But, here at “Your Musical Baby”, we’ll share ideas and experiences that will help you know how to find the beauty of music in specific, easy ways and small steps.

“What is man’s ultimate direction in life? It is to look for love, truth, virtue, and beauty.”

Shinichi Suzuki

Early in my musical career, I saw a teacher giving a violin lesson to a very young child using the Suzuki Method. I was curious and began my Suzuki Violin Teacher Training. Dr. Suzuki’s philosophy of education deeply affected me. I loved little children and was passionate about working with them.

Years later, I attended SECE sessions at a Suzuki Teacher Conference and decided that I really wanted to include this type of program in my studio. I have seen, time after time, how this program provides opportunities for babies and their parents to learn life skills, enjoy music, and focus on building their parent-child relationship.

“Thoughtful parents, for the sake of their children, seek to make their own hearts true and to illuminate the best paths for living, which is the real way to love.”

Shinichi Suzuki

Dr. Shinichi Suzuki (1898-1998)

Let’s find out a little bit about Dr. Suzuki. He was an educator with ideas far ahead of his time. Recent research has proven that Dr. Suzuki was correct about how to develop the abilities of very young children.

At that time, in the 1940’s, most people believed that someone was either born with talent or without it. This theory put children into one of two categories: smart enough to learn or destined to fail.

Even now, despite evidence to the contrary, many people still think that an artist, musician, or anyone of high caliber is “born with their talent”. But we know that every child can learn and their abilities develop early.

The Mother-Tongue Theory

Dr. Suzuki was totally surprised the moment he realized that very young children easily learn to speak their native language. He began understand the potential of children when he compared how easy it is for children to learn a language to how difficult it is for an adult.

In fact, children learn the language right down to the nuances of a regional dialect. They are immersed in language as they listen to parents speak. They repeat the words until words form sentences and sentences become conversation. Suzuki called this the “Mother-Tongue” theory.

He came to believe that the “Mother-Tongue theory could be used as a method of teaching life skills and fine character through musical instruction for the youngest of children, including babies. That is true for your child as well!

“Every child is talented. Any child who is properly trained can develop the ability to speak their mother tongue. The potential of every child is unlimited.”

Shinichi Suzuki

Your “Must Read” List

Ability Development From Age Zero by Dr. Shinichi Suzuki

OK, now you’re thinking, “What?! I don’t have time to read ANYTHING!” Just kidding about the “must” read part. However, I believe you CAN read it. The book is not long and it is written in short, easily digestible sections.

In Ability Development From Age Zero, Dr. Suzuki wrote about his “Mother-Tongue” method of education. It definitely is worth your time. You stand to gain much insight into modeling fine character and learning new skills that will influence your child’s life and your life as a parent.

Creating desire to learn in the child is the parent’s duty.”

Shinichi Suzuki

Right now is the time to take this first step on your journey to nurture a beautiful heart and fine abilities in “your musical baby”. Begin reading Ability Development From Age Zero and absorb the nuggets of wisdom you will find in Dr. Suzuki”s writings. (Available at Amazon)

His genius lies in the fact that he could see the world through a child’s eyes and understand how the feel and learn. THEN he could become the adult who figured out how to break down concepts into the smallest, manageable steps and teach that child.

You, my musical friends, can learn to do the same thing. You can model ideas, concepts, and behaviors for your child. Through the constant repetition of your modeling, your child will absorb and learn.

Make Your List

Right now would be a good time to write down your “Hopes and Dreams” for your baby. Also list at least five character traits you would like your child to learn.

Then, post that list in a place you will see it often. It will be a visual reminder of what you want for your child.

You will find it encouraging, especially on the days you don’t seem to have an overabundance of parental courage.

Suzuki Early Childhood Education is about you and your baby learning about life through music. Join me and begin your “Beautiful Heart Musical Journey”. The musical world is waiting for you!

On the “Beautiful Heart Musical Journey” with you!


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Susan Stephenson is a violinist and director of the Suzuki Music School of Greater Toledo. The school programs include Suzuki Method violin lessons and Suzuki Early Childhood Education Baby Classes. Her blog "Your Musical Baby" helps parents and their babies learn life skills through music.

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