I Had Suzuki Parents Before They Were Cool!

Why I Play Violin and Love Music

I didn’t know it at the time, but my dad and mom were Suzuki parents before they were really cool! They didn’t know that they were actually following the Beliefs and Concepts of Suzuki Early Childhood Education (SECE) philosophy as we know them today.

But they did a good job of inspiring me to play violin and love music. By putting these SECE Beliefs and Concepts into your daily routine, you can do the same for your child.

The following is a list the Suzuki ECE Beliefs and Concepts. As the parent of a little one, how many of these do you already know and believe?

Seven SECE Beliefs and Concepts

  • Every child can learn
  • Ability develops early
  • Environment nurtures growth
  • Children learn from one another
  • Success breeds success
  • Parental involvement is critical
  • Encouragement is essential

Every Child Can Learn

Do you believe that your baby can grow, learn, and develop abilities to do anything they decide to do?

My parents certainly believed that I could learn and do anything I wanted because they thought my sisters and I were the three smartest, prettiest girls on the planet and they told us so often.

Ability Develops Early

Baby sitting with a violin with the caption "OK, maybe I wasn't this young when I became interested in the violin is a tongue-in-cheek reference to Suzuki Parents beginning the child's musical instruction early.
This is way too early to give a baby a violin!

Do you expose your baby to beautiful things like music that can help them develop many abilities?

It is a big stretch to say that my musical ability developed early. But my mom always said that I was really fascinated with watching violinists play on TV shows.

I was probably 3 or 4 years old at the time. I doubt that I was as fascinated with music as a baby can be these days.

Environment Nurtures Growth

Vinyl record on a turntable references my father playing recordings of beautiful music for me when I was young.
My dad listened to recordings of beautiful music on a turntable. He would be surprised at iPods and earbuds!

Does your baby see you enjoying music and other beautiful things?

My dad set up an environment in our home that nurtured my love for music, especially classical music. The local grocery store was running a deal that if you spent a certain amount on groceries, then you could get a recording of classical music for a ridiculously cheap price.

There was a new selection every week and this offer ran for quite some time. I can still see him sitting in his chair with his eyes closed listening to those recordings and enjoying the music so much.

Children Learn From One Another

When I was in fourth grade, I was influenced by other student muscians. The fifth and sixth grade string students gave a demonstration and I decided that I wanted to play the violin.

(I realize that CoVid-19 is making it more difficult to attend those kind of activities. There are online opportunities to participate in Suzuki Early Childhood Education Baby Classes. See the Resources page to find a program near you.)

Success Breed Success

Do you celebrate your baby’s every small accomplishment?

Dad rented a violin for me and I joined the string class at school. It was fun to playin the string class with others. I wanted to play like the more advanced students so I worked very hard to successfully learn to hold the violin and bow to play well.

Young girl properly holding the violin and bow indicating she is successful because of her good practice skills
It takes careful practice to learn to hold the violin and bow properly.

I played in school orchestra concerts, city-wide orchestra festivals and performed in solo and ensemble contests. I was also most fortunate that my parents allowed me to take private violin lessons with the best teachers in our area.

Parental Involvement is Critical

Being a parent means being a part of all of your child’s life to lead them and guide them.

Infographic of The Suzuki Triangle explaining how Suzuki Teachers, Parents, and the Child work together to practice a musical instrument.
The Suzuki Triangle represents the relationship with the Teacher, Parent, and Child in the process of practicing.

My parents weren’t as involved in my practicing as much as if I had been studying with a Suzuki Method teacher. A Suzuki parent is part of what is known now as the Suzuki Triangle (child, parent, and teacher). That idea will be discussed in a future blog post. But, my parents’ involvement in my musical journey was critical to keeping me on track.

Encouragement Is Essential

My parents took me to lessons and certainly were my biggest cheerleaders at recitals and concerts. They saw my potential, believed in me, and gave me the gift of music.

Get Ready to Make Music!

The fact that you are reading this blog post is an indication that you believe that making music a part of your family’s life will benefit and nurture your baby.

You must believe in your baby’s potential to learn and that their ability can be developed now. You don’t have to wait for them to be “old enough” to learn music or many other things for that matter.

You have the opportunity to set up an environment in which your baby can listen to beautiful music right now. Play a recording for them every day. You can sing to them, tap the beat and rhythms on their little tummy, or dance with them.

Ten Items Every Family Needs for a “Beautiful Heart Musical Journey” is a good place to find out how to set up your own musical equipment. Then find out about some ideas for learning how to create music time for your family. Finally, access playlist suggestions for you and your baby’s listening enjoyment.

Take these steps to making music a part of your family’s life and begin your “Beautiful Heart Musical Journey” now.

On the “Beautiful Heart Musical Journey” with you,


Share your ideas here

Choose one of the Beliefs and Concepts. Reply in the Comments below and share your ideas about how you will incorporate it into how you think about your baby’s potential to learn. I would really like to hear your ideas!

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Susan Stephenson is a violinist and director of the Suzuki Music School of Greater Toledo. The school programs include Suzuki Method violin lessons and Suzuki Early Childhood Education Baby Classes. Her blog "Your Musical Baby" helps parents and their babies learn life skills through music.

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