Secret to Nurturing Successful Children with Beautiful Hearts

Successful Children, Beautiful Hearts

So, is there a secret to nurturing successful children with beautiful hearts? It depends.

As a parent, how do you define success? Do you want your child to have a beautiful heart? Are you willing to do what it takes to make these things happen?

Some people define success as having money, power, and status. Now, please don’t misunderstand what I am about to say.

Those things are not bad. They can be very helpful when used properly.

But, these people focus only on those things. They will do whatever it takes to get them without regard for others. Their actions often result in anything but a beautiful heart.

Then, there are people who define success as knowing yourself, living a happy life, and making the world a better place for others. It is easy to see these things resulting in a beautiful heart.

Secret to Nurturing Successful Children With Beautiful Hearts. Left photo: African American mother reading to her toddler son. Right photo: Caucasian father helping his baby take first steps
Nurture Your Children

Are You a Nurturing Parent?

You as a parent must know yourself and be confident of who you are. Avoid being distracted by what the world and others call “success”.

Then, you will be able to nurture your child to think in this way, too. It is so tempting to compare yourself to others. Often you don’t even realize you are doing it.

The struggle is also real to NOT compare your child’s progress to that of other children. But remember, your job is to be committed to your child’s success. Don’t worry about what other children are doing.

True success is your ability to help your child learn what they need to live a happy, successful life and have a beautiful heart.

Nurture and Celebrate Your Child’s Success

Your baby will not just wake up each day and magically know how to do things. So, the secret to nurturing success is that you must be committed to creating opportunities for your baby to learn. Be aware of your child’s growth milestones.

There will be their first smile, holding up their head, rolling over, crawling, standing, walking, etc. Your baby needs your help and encouragement to continue on.

Celebrate your baby’s first attempts and every accomplishment, no matter how small. When you do, you are building their confidence.

Then, when your baby has confidence, they are more willing to try again. They will also try more new things. There is such an energy that comes with confidence.

That energy helps to guide your baby to want to repeat an activity until they do it better. The repetition forms knowledge and good habits. These lead to a successful child with a beautiful heart.

Success Breeds Success

Success Breeds Success is one of the Suzuki Early Childhood Education (SECE) Baby Class Concepts. One of the interesting parts of this concept is the word “breeds”. In this case, it means to train, develop, or nurture.

Dr. Shinichi Suzuki used these particular words all the time. His goal in his Mother-Tongue Method of Education was to train students to think and learn. He wanted to develop their abilities and nurture beautiful hearts.

Repetition is the basic idea of the Mother-Tongue Method. When your baby learns to speak, they repeat the words over and over again.

As a parent, you do not get tired of hearing your baby speak words and learn new ones (at least not for awhile anyway). You are most likely fascinated with each new word or skill that your baby learns. How about your excitement over their first steps?!

Please make it a PRIORITY to remember the fascination and patience you had when your baby was first learning to speak, walk, or do anything new.

Always keep this in mind as your baby grows. It will help you and your child to be willing to repeat things. Repeating and mastering each step of a process creates ability in your child.

The abilities your child develops leads to success and a beautiful heart.

Begin this when your baby is an infant. Model the mindset that you are willing to take the time and energy to help your baby develop their abilities.

This is the secret to nurturing successful children with beautiful hearts.

“Action is the foundational key to all success.”

Pablo Picasso, artist
Success Breeds Success One of the Seven Concepts of Suzuki Early Childhood Education
Train , develop, and nurture your baby.

Suzuki Early Childhood Education For Success and Value

Your actions will not be wasted when you develop your child’s abilities. Then lead them to use their abilities and success to do good things and help others.

“One should not seek to be a person of success, but rather become a person of value.”

Albert Einstein, physicist

Suzuki Early Childhood Education Baby Class offers activities that focus on music, listening, literacy, and life skills. There are also songs and rhymes that have sequences of actions. These all help your baby’s brain development and overall growth.

You and your baby can listen to music, sing songs, say nursery rhymes, and read stories together. You must be willing to work for thorough mastery of each skill to be learned in the activities.

We often get only so far in an activity. Then we decide that we want to go on to something else. Make it a goal for your child to thoroughly master a particular skill.

But, be sure to let them do it in their own timing. Again, as a parent, you may want to push your child. Instead, take time to enjoy the learning process.

Celebrate each small success and let it build to the next step. Be grateful and content with each of your child’s successes.

Your child will then be content in their learning. They will also be growing a beautiful heart. Then your child will want to be a better person every day.

They will value themselves, you, and others. That is what will make them successful. They will add value to the world and make it a better place for everyone.

Do You Want a Successful Child with a Beautiful Heart?

All parents truly do want their children to be successful and have beautiful hearts. But, it is work. Also, it is not always easy to know how and what to do. However, the solution is coming soon!

In the next few weeks, “Your Musical Baby” will be will begin offering a LIVE, ONLINE Suzuki Early Childhood Education Baby Class program. It is designed for parents and their babies (0-3 years old).

Sign Up For Future Details and Information

Sign up for the “Your Musical Baby” newsletter to get advance information and details about the program. You will also get your “7 Steps to a Deeper Relationship With Your Baby. It will help you get started on the “Beautiful Heart Musical Journey” with your child and whole family.

Final Thoughts on Success

I hope you will take the time to think deeply about what success means to you. Think about how you want to help your child be successful. How are you going to develop their abilities?

The secret to nurturing successful children is to teach them with love. That love will grow a beautiful heart in them.

It will help them be a person who adds value to the world. They will make it a better place for all.

I will leave you with Dr. Suzuki’s words to parents:

“We parents should strive to deeply instill a beautiful sensitive heart and splendid ability in children, believing that every child can develop into an adult who has these basic characteristics.”

Shinichi Suzuki

On the “Beautiful Heart Musical Journey” with you,


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Susan Stephenson is a violinist and director of the Suzuki Music School of Greater Toledo. The school programs include Suzuki Method violin lessons and Suzuki Early Childhood Education Baby Classes. Her blog "Your Musical Baby" helps parents and their babies learn life skills through music.

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