Ten Items For a “Beautiful Heart Musical Journey”

Ten Items for Your Family’s “Beautiful Heart Musical Journey”

Ten items are all you need for your “Beautiful Heart Musical Journey”. We have talked about finding beauty in music and made a plan to put music time into your daily schedule.

It can be very easy to start your “Beautiful Heart Musical Journey”. You and your child may be at the beginning of your journey or your home already may be filled with music!

“An unlimited amount of ability can develop when parent and child are having fun together.”

Shinichi Suzuki

Regardless, there are 5 items you need for your music time. 3 items are free and 2 items only require a small investment. Then there are 5 more items that would be fun to have and you most likely already have them around your home.

This list is also helpful if you are already part of a SECE Baby Class program or plan to join one online.

Free Items for Your Musical Journey

These three things should be easy to find!

  • Willing participants as in you and your whole family can look for the beauty in music together.
  • Willing singing voices to make joyful sounds. You don’t have to be an opera singer or even a member of the community chorus to do this.
  • A “music place” where you can do your musical activities . It can be as simple as moving the coffee table to have room to dance and move around.

Small Investments

These next two items are relatively small expenses, especially if you already own the music playing device.

Practically Free Items

Black haired baby in a red sweater playing pots and pans with a wooden spoon which can be part of the ten items needed for the "Beautiful Heart Musical Journey"
Keeping the beat!

The easiest of the ten items for your musical journey are the next five. These are things that you can find around your house.

  • Small ball to be used for ball rolling activity with music.
  • Plastic container like a clean, empty ice cream tub and lid make a good drum.
  • Scarves 12 inches square or less or a short, oblong one is a good size to use for creative movement activities.
  • Two wooden spoons can be used as rhythm sticks for the keeping the beat activities.
  • Board books to read to your little one. Begin with books you have, borrow them from the library, buy them second-hand or new (ONLY when it is safe to go shopping again!). It doesn’t matter where you get them, just READ, READ, READ to your baby!!
A smiling Caucasian baby holding a yellow ball which is one of the ten items needed for a "Beautiful Heart Musical Journey"
Babies love rolling the ball!

Let the Music Begin!

With these ten items, you can start your family’s “Beautiful Heart Musical Journey”. The first 3 “free” items are the most important and the next 2 require a relatively small investment a simple music playing device and the CDs or downloads.

The last 5 are around the house somewhere and all you have to do is find them. I recommend keeping them in a plastic bin used only for music time.

It is helpful to know exactly where all your musical equipment is. Then you will be ready for spur-of-the-moment music times in addition to any regular times you may have scheduled.

It is easy and inexpensive to bring musical activities into your home. Let’s begin your family’s “Beautiful Heart Musical Journey” now by starting to gather these ten items on our list.

Begin collecting your “instruments” this week. Because in future posts, you will learn how to use your collection of musical items for different types of activities.

On the “Beautiful Heart Musical Journey” with you!


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Susan Stephenson is a violinist and director of the Suzuki Music School of Greater Toledo. The school programs include Suzuki Method violin lessons and Suzuki Early Childhood Education Baby Classes. Her blog "Your Musical Baby" helps parents and their babies learn life skills through music.

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