Important Life Skills Suzuki ECE Baby Class Can Teach Your Baby

Suzuki ECE Baby Class Teaches Important Life Skills

Suzuki ECE Baby Class teaches important life skills to you and your baby. But, it’s not just another music class. The musical activities in “Your Musical Baby” Class teach a number of different skills.

Some of the activities help your baby learn language, mathematics, and reasoning. Others develop mental and physical skills. Most of the activities teach social, emotional, and personal growth, too.

These are skills that every child needs to know in order to grow up into a kind, responsible adult with a beautiful heart. This is what you as a parent hope most for your child.

That Nursery Rhyme Teaches Language and Math Skills!

So, let’s first talk about language skills. Baby Class will teach your baby to recognize common sounds. They will also be able to repeat a sequence of sounds.

As your baby learns the songs and nursery rhymes, their vocabulary will grow. They will also be memorizing and learning to communicate.

Baby Class teaches “pitch skills” such as, high/low, up/down, fast/slow, and right/left. These are used in music. But, they also are needed for language and math as well.

Your baby will begin to understand the idea of small and big sounds. They will also start to notice the difference between large and small movements.

Photo of Caucasian mother and baby on the floor doing a language and math skills activity together
Baby Class activities provide opportunities to learn new words and sounds and different math concepts.

Teach Your Baby Physical Skills

Speaking of movement, “Your Musical Baby” Class activities will really get you and your baby moving. Practically every activity in Baby Class involves learning motor skills.

There is walking, jumping, hopping, dancing, running, marching and clapping! Did I leave out anything?! Oh, and add changing directions and knowing right and left. These are gross or large motor skills that your baby must learn.

The finger play activities help to develop fine motor skills. These are so important for learning to write (and type) and a whole lot of other actions later on.

One very important motor skill for baby to learn is to “cross the midline”. Yes, Baby Class has an activity for that, too. This skill comes into play later on when your child begins to read and write.

3 photos: father helping baby walk, mother and father watching baby girl play with a ball, and African-American father and toddler girl dancing. Suzuki ECE Baby Class teaches parents and babies to get moving!
Baby Class teaches physical skills.

Baby Class Teaches Social and Emotional Skills

Mental and physical skills are important. But, social and emotional skills are as important, too.

“Your Musical Baby” Class begins with a gentle ball rolling activity that helps baby to develop an ‘inner calm”. That calm leads to focus. Focus leads to patience and self-control for both parent and baby.

Your baby will learn to comfortably move away from you and go to the teacher for a turn at the activities.

But if they aren’t ready, they can always “bring” mom or dad with them to take their turn. Sometimes mom or day get to take the turn instead.

One really important skill is to share and pass around the ball or the stuffed animal during activities. Baby Class teaches them to be willing to give it up even when they don’t want to!

Photo 1: a Caucasian toddler girl and an African-America toddler girl playing together. Photo 2: two Caucasian toddler boys playing together. Suzuki ECE Baby Class teaches social and emotional skills.
Children need to learn skills to get along with others.

Develop a Deeper Relationship With Your Baby

Your baby will learn to imitate the actions of the teacher and other children. But, the person they will most imitate will be you.

You and your baby will be building a deep relationship with each other. You will be learning together. Part of building a relationship is anticipating each other’s needs and actions.

Many of the Baby Class activities teach anticipating the next action. Your baby will demonstrate this with facial expressions or body movements.

The repetition of the activities develops the anticipation. This helps your baby to increase their focus and concentration.

Focus and concentration, in turn, lead to sensitivity toward others and within ourselves. They also develop our creative abilities.

Photo of two Caucasian baby girls. One is gently touching the other on the head. Suzuki ECE Baby Class teacher the skills of focus, concentration, and sensitivity.
A simple touch to say, “I love you.”

But, most of all, these things will help your baby develop inner discipline. We all need that because we can’t build relationships, complete our tasks, and reach our goals without it.

Give Your Baby These Important Life Skills

The Suzuki ECE Baby Class activities will teach your baby (and you) all of these important skills we have talked about.

Your baby needs the language, math, motor skills to help them learn and develop their abilities.

But, they also need the social and emotional skills Baby Class can teach them. Therefore, I believe that we must help our children to grow into persons that have inner calm and discipline.

Also, your baby must grow into a person who can focus, concentrate, and make wise decisions. We must make sure they grow up with excellent abilities and beautiful hearts.

“Teaching music is not my main purpose. I want to make good citizens. If children hear fine music from the day of their birth and learn to play it, they develop sensitivity, discipline, and endurance, They get a beautiful heart.”

Shinichi Suzuki

Finally, Dr. Suzuki never intended for his music education method to just create musicians. His main goal was for babies and children to learn to have beautiful hearts through music.

This is my main goal for you and your baby as well. That was Dr. Suzuki’s prayer for all the children of the world and your child, too.

On the “Beautiful Heart Musical Journey” with you,


“Your Musical Baby” Class

Learn more about the “Your Musical Baby” Class and schedule your “Get to Know You” call now.

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Susan Stephenson is a violinist and director of the Suzuki Music School of Greater Toledo. The school programs include Suzuki Method violin lessons and Suzuki Early Childhood Education Baby Classes. Her blog "Your Musical Baby" helps parents and their babies learn life skills through music.

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